Contact us

Our passion is to provide functional, modern and high quality workwear with passion and hard work

Contact us

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Our emails are as follows: or


Joni Mäenpää
Sales Director
+358 41 3181614
Marko Ruotsalainen
Country Manager, Sweden
+46 727 353 944
Tiiu Jylhä-Nieminen
Sales Manager
+358 45 263 8611
Mira Lehtolainen
Sales Manager
+358 40 5791057
Hanna Kurkioja
Sales Support (Invoicing)
+358 40 152 6684
Nina Lindholm
Sales Support (Orders)
+358 40 555 3003


Noora Salonoja
CEO, Partner
+358 50 323 9620

Production & Supply chain

Mervi Koskensalo
Mervi Koskensalo
Sourcing Manager
+358 44 366 1304
Seija Kärki
Production Manager
+358 50 554 2987
Santtu Rajala
Logistics &
Production Manager
+358 44 560 5602
Kaisa Dimulescu
Sourcing Manager
+358 50 564 2524
Tiina Ulkuniemi
Product Development Specialist
+358 50 336 2005
Sumedha Hewa
Quality and Technical Director, Asia
+84 90 2622475

Business Development & Sustainability

Anni Wulff-Kokko
Anni Wulff-Kokko
Sustainability & Product Specialist
+358 50 339 6362
Einari Svedström
Financial Controller
+358 44 493 4330