Our 2023 emissions inventory

We calculate our carbon footprint every year. Our 2023 emissions inventory gave us a great revelation.
The most significant part of our carbon footprint comes from the workwear we produce.The emissions from the production of textile materials, i.e. the production and processing of textile fibers, yarn manufacturing, fabric manufacturing and finishing, make up the largest part of our product-specific carbon footprint. 1 great revelation came when we noticed a significant drop in our emissions. We had produced roughly the same amount of products in 2022 and 2023, so what exactly could have caused the drop in emissions? Well, the answer was in the weight of the products. In 2023, we had produced much more lightweight workwear. So our carbon footprint is affected by the type of product we produce every year.
So it makes a difference whether we produce outdoor clothing weighing more than half a kilo or feather-light t-shirts. Of course, we can't change our business so that we only produce lightweight workwear because of our carbon footprint, but this is another clear lesson we have learned when we calculate our annual carbon footprint. The weight of the product also plays a role in the overall.

The figure above shows that even if the material of the product is the same, but there is a significant difference in the weight of the product, the heavier product produces significantly more greenhouse gas emissions.

Read our 2023 Sustainability Report here.